The Energy Saving Guide
Lightbulbs and fittings
A bright idea. Just one Energy Saving Recommended lightbulb can reduce your lighting costs by up to £60 over the lifetime of the bulb. And with a wide variety of styles and wattages available, it's now even easier to choose the energy efficient option.
How they work
Traditional bulbs waste a lot of their energy by turning it into heat rather than light. Energy Saving Recommended bulbs work in the same way as fluorescent lights; an electric current passes through gas in a tube, making the tube's coating glow brightly. This means that they use less energy and are cool to the touch.
Click here to learn about the myths surrounding energy saving lighting

Energy saving light bulbs use a fifth to a quarter of the electricity of ordinary bulbs to generate the same amount of light. So where you'd normally use a 60W bulb, you'll only need a 13-18W energy saving recommended equivalent.


Ordinary bulbs Energy saving equivalent
25W 6W
40W 8 - 11W
60W 13-18W
100W 20-25W
You can now also buy low energy light fittings which will only take low energy lightbulbs. These use a ballast or transformer fitted into the base of the light fitting. It controls the supply of electricity to the bulb, allowing for a small surge of power for a millisecond to light the bulb and then reducing the electricity flow to a very low level.
Low energy fittings require a pin based energy saving bulb. This is a different fitting to a conventional bulb but will ensure that the bulbs you buy in future will always save energy, money and the environment.
The savings
Energy saving light bulbs are around 10 times longer than ordinary lightbulbs and can save you up to £7 per year in electricity (and 26 kilograms of CO2 ) or £60 over the bulbs lifetime.
If everyone installed just one energy saving light bulb the CO2 emissions saved would fill more than 1 million double decker buses. And if each house installed three energy saving bulbs, it would save enough energy to run the country's street lights for a year.
Other energy saving ideas
Always remember to turn the lights off when you leave the room. A 100W light bulb if left on for 1/2 hour creates enough CO2 to fill a party balloon. In the UK we waste £140 million a year by leaving our lights switched on unnecessarily. This causes 900,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions, enough to fill 180,000 hot air balloons.
Did you know that you should recycle your used energy saving light bulbs?
Please view our guide by clicking here.